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Conveyor modular 18" belt

Conveyor modular 18" belt

Product Code:  CONV-12U

The axle and tow bar shown are not included. The axle and tow bar are an option model RC-13U.
 18-inch wide troughing conveyor
Technical specs:
18-inch wide heavy duty belt with 2" high bolted rubber cleats.
Low friction UHMW polyethylene slider bed.
The farm duty 1-1/2 HP electric motor is coupled to a cast iron speed reducer.
Belt speed: 160 FPM.
Comprised of:
2 x 8 foot x 21" wide section
1 x 2 foot x 32" wide motor section
1 x 2 foot x 23-1/4" wide end section
Complete with 30" wide hopper.
Unit operates on a 120 volt 15 amp circuit but can draw 17.2 AMP under full load.
- All steel construction
- Direct drive Size 70 gearbox speed reducer.
- Constant belt speed of 160 feet/minute
- Estimated tons per hour at;
0 degrees incline = 165
10 degrees incline = 125
20 degrees incline = 102
30 degrees incline = 88

Below is an example of existing rental rates of conveyors in Toronto, ON;

12' $109
16' $119
20' $129
24' $139
Day x 4 = week
Day x 12 = month

Average tonnage moved per hour at a 10 degree incline;

12 foot 125 ton
16 foot 94 ton
20 foot 75 ton
24 foot 63 ton

Weight: 420.0 lb

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